Monday, October 31, 2011

The 2011 30-Day Giving Challenge

November is often a time of reflection as well as giving thanks. It is also a great time to just plain give! Many of you know that I'll be participating in the 30 Days to Being Thankful Challenge and I feel that giving is part of what can help us remember to be thankful. So, in in line with that thought, The 30-Day Giving Challenge dovetails quite beautifully.

For those of you unfamiliar with this challenge, let me take a few moments of your time to share this vision with you.

The 30-Day Giving Challenge began November 1, 2009 (by Kingdom First Mom blog). Alyssa had a "vision for a giving project" and challenged those around her and readers of her blog to do the same. They were encouraged to give each day in November, intentionally and not-so-intentionally (those spur of the moment opportunities can be fun!) and I believe they were also encouraged to document and share the journey. There was no limitation on giving, so those wonderful givers gave of their varied resources through sharing time, money, talents, gifts, and more!

November 2010 was the year I learned of this challenge and participated. While I did not finish as faithfully as I would have liked I do hope that those who received were as blessed as I was in the giving. This year, I would like to participate more fully and so each Tuesday in November I will blog about the 30-day Giving Challenge and will provide the link-up party so you can see how others are participating and get more ideas on giving.

It will take some organization (an area I'm still working on), some planning and lots of prayer, but I am believing that in spite of the economy and in spite of the situations around us, participants will make the most tremendous impact to-date!

You can participate too. If you are interested, I challenge you to spend tomorrow thinking about ways you (and your family) can bless by giving! You can also check out some ideas for giving on the 30-Day Giving Challenge site's Get Involved page. There is also a Facebook page where you can get some great info.

I hope you can join me in November for this challenge! I'd love to share ideas and giving stories with you. The fun begins this Tuesday over at Saving and Giving.


  1. I decided not to do the giving challenge this year. I tried it last year, but because I was trying to complete the challenge, it wasn't joyful giving. It felt forced and it just didn't turn out to better me as a Christian. So, I'm not doing it again. BUT I will be praying for all of you who do commit to it, that God will use it to bless you and the peoples lives who you touch.

  2. Well, can understand that and you also have your hands full with NanoWrimo! :) I'm hoping the Lord will use this particular challenge to help me see more creative ways to give and also work on discipline. I'm the type who will spend the time writing out the thank you cards and they'll still be sitting here a year later because I forget to take them or mail them. Hoping this will help. So, lots of training and benefits.
